

A Lagos community, destroyed in one day

A Lagos community, destroyed in one day At least 9,000 people have been forcefully evicted from a riverside community in Nigeria's most populous city, Lagos. Like many waterfront communities across the city, it has faced multiple threats and been targeted by luxury real estate developers.
google.com, pub-5384162920578862, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 google.com, pub-5384162920578862, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

A second version of omicron is spreading. Here's why scientists are on alert

A second version of omicron is spreading. Here's why scientists are on alert
It's a sibling of the first omicron variant that swept the world. Is it more contagious? Does it cause severe disease? Will it keep current omicron surges going? Researchers are looking for answers.

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