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janvier 2023

DeSantis Takes On the Education Establishment, and Builds His Brand
Rarefied Clothes for Rarefied People
Stream These Three Great Documentaries
Pope Francis performs a high-wire act as he courts followers in Africa
More Than Shirley: Cindy Williams’s 6 Best Moments Onscreen
The White House plans to end COVID emergency declarations in May
Biden Visits Decrepit Rail Tunnel to Promote $1 Trillion Infrastructure Law
Migrants Protest Move From Midtown Hotel to Barracks-Style Shelter
Initial Police Report on Tyre Nichols Arrest Is Contradicted by Videos
When Ilhan Omar Asks Questions, Her Colleagues Should Listen
The Bengals even the score at 13.
Israel Launched Drone Attack on Iranian Facility, Officials Say
Utah Bans Transition Care for Transgender Youth
Kansas City scores the game’s first touchdown and is starting to separate itself. But that’s happened before.
Scorpion Unit Emerged as Memphis Pursued Get-Tough Strategy
Given their recent history, plan for a down to the wire finish.
For Kansas City and Cincinnati, important passing yards are gained on the ground.
Iran Says It Thwarted a Drone Attack on a Munitions Facility