

Sperm whale families talk a lot. Researchers are trying to decode what they're saying

Sperm whale families talk a lot. Researchers are trying to decode what they're saying Scientists are testing the limits of artificial intelligence when it comes to language learning. One recent challenge? Learning ... whale! Researchers are using machine learning to analyze and decode whale sounds — and it's just as complicated as it seems. Curious about other mysteries of nature? Email us at shortwave@npr.org.
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How to cancel sending an email on Gmail?

That's it, your email is sent ... and you just realized that you made a huge mistake, or that your attachment is missing? With Gmail, you have the option to cancel an already sent email, if you have set your account for this before. We explain how to do it.


While instant chat apps have become legion on our phones, the classic email continues to be used extensively, especially on business conversations or administrative exchanges. Of course, bad reflexes of our instant conversations can trap us ...

Between the propensity to quickly support "send" or the simple fact of forgetting important elements like attachments, it happen many times and almost every day to wish that it is possible to cancel the sending of a email. But these little things go so fast ... Fortunately; Gmail thinks of you and allows you to activate a very practical option for the more head-in-the-air.

Gmail: cancel sending a message by activating an option

Obviously, sending an email is normally almost instantaneous, making it almost impossible to cancel it once the "Send" button is pressed. However, an option allows you to add a little beat time between this support and the actual send, allowing you to tilter on your mistakes and have time to catch them before this gif that had nothing to do in a mail addressed to your boss is not sent.

- Go to the Gmail site and sign in to your account
- In the top right, click on the wheel

- Click on "Settings"
- Go to the "Undo Send" category
- Check "Enable Undo Send"
- Set the waiting time before your mail leaves (5/10/20/30 seconds)

- Click on "Save Changes" at the bottom of the page

When this setting is enabled, sending any mail is delayed by the number of seconds you have set. Thus, this added latency allows you to cancel sending an email.

Now, the "Cancel" option is now present. If you click on it during the time defined previously, the sending will be completely canceled and the mail will be reopened in edition mode, allowing you to make the alterations that came to your mind a little too late!

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