

Sperm whale families talk a lot. Researchers are trying to decode what they're saying

Sperm whale families talk a lot. Researchers are trying to decode what they're saying Scientists are testing the limits of artificial intelligence when it comes to language learning. One recent challenge? Learning ... whale! Researchers are using machine learning to analyze and decode whale sounds — and it's just as complicated as it seems. Curious about other mysteries of nature? Email us at shortwave@npr.org.
google.com, pub-5384162920578862, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 google.com, pub-5384162920578862, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

no free tuner is available to fulfil the request

I have just setup my IPTV on my firesticj using TV MOSAIC.

I sometimes get this message when clicking in to a show from the guide.

no free tuner is available to fulfil the request

And then the show does not come up.

Any ideas on how to fix it?

I have 2 m3u streams entered (with 2 connections each for a total of 4) and 2 epg xml urls entered.

submitted by /u/alotanor
[link] [comments] https://ift.tt/2zGozKE

جديد قسم : https://iptvcccamkodismarttv.blogspot.com/