

Sperm whale families talk a lot. Researchers are trying to decode what they're saying

Sperm whale families talk a lot. Researchers are trying to decode what they're saying Scientists are testing the limits of artificial intelligence when it comes to language learning. One recent challenge? Learning ... whale! Researchers are using machine learning to analyze and decode whale sounds — and it's just as complicated as it seems. Curious about other mysteries of nature? Email us at shortwave@npr.org.
google.com, pub-5384162920578862, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 google.com, pub-5384162920578862, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

I’m using Tivimate on my fire tv box. Ever since I added it I keep getting messages about storage being out on my fireTV. Even after I have moved every app (that I can) to an SD card, most apps still use a lot of storage on the internal fireTV drive.

Am I using so much storage only from the epg? What other settings of iptv use storage? Is there a way I can make apps store all the info on the SD card? Or anything I might have missed ?

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/3cit
[link] [comments] https://ift.tt/3f5pgzz

جديد قسم : https://iptvcccamkodismarttv.blogspot.com/