

Judi Dench reflects on a career built around Shakespeare

Judi Dench reflects on a career built around Shakespeare Dame Judi Dench has played everyone from the writer Iris Murdoch to M in the James Bond films. But among the roles the actress is most closely associated, are Shakespeare's heroines and some of his villians. Amongst those roles are the star-crossed lover Juliet, the comical Titania and the tragic Lady Macbeth. Now she's reflecting on that work, and Shakespeare's work in Shakespeare: The Man Who Pays The Rent. The book is comprised of Dench's conversations with her friend, the actor and director Brendan O'Hea. For sponsor-free episodes of Consider This, sign up for Consider This+ via Apple Podcasts or at plus.npr.org. Email us at considerthis@npr.org.
google.com, pub-5384162920578862, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 google.com, pub-5384162920578862, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

What to know about the U.N. vote on whether to admit Palestinians as full members

What to know about the U.N. vote on whether to admit Palestinians as full members
The U.N. Security Council met Thursday to debate and vote on the Palestinian application for full membership in the United Nations, which would allow it to vote during U.N. proceedings.

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